KICKARTS | 'Ailan Currents: Contemporary Printmaking from the Torres Strait' | Exhibition catalogue
KICKARTS | 'Ailan Currents: Contemporary Printmaking from the Torres Strait' | Exhibition catalogue
Ailan Currents: Contemporary printmaking from the Torres Strait
This publication illustrates salient works from the mid-2000s by a selection of leading and emerging artists from Zenadh-Kes (Torres Strait) working in Fine Art Printmaking. It features boigraphies of each artist, fold out pages of large scale works and essays on the history of printmaking in the Zenadh-Kes region.
These important artists are driving a new movement in Indigenous Fine Art Printmaking that deserves recognition as a significant contribution to the history of Australian cultural life. The work is gaining momentum across Australia and internationally and is avidly collected by private collectors and leading institutions.
98 pages. ISBN 9780980340204. Published by KickArts Contemporary Arts with the generous assistance of the Queensland Indigenous Arts Marketing and Export Agency (QIAMEA).