Collection: Andrew Passi Snr | LAMAR KOP SPIRITUAL CENTRE

15 JUNE — 10 AUGUST 2024

"We acknowledge and treasure our traditional culture and maintain its value for time to come.”
Andrew Passi Snr

The main purpose of the exhibition Lamar Kop Spiritual Centre is to display cultural masks as individual representations characterising original supernatural beings from Mer (Murray Island). In island lore all traditional rituals co-operate with spiritual institutions of the Malo-Bomai cult.


The Malo-Bomai includes the story of two mystical beings who merged to intensify one dominant entity. With jurisdiction through clusters of Islands, the Malo-Bomai lore was enforced north to Papua New Guinea, southwest to Cape York and southeast beyond the Great Barrier Reef.

Of the North, For the North

We work to support artists achieve their aspirations. Artists set their prices and we add a standard service and marketing commission - this supports our not-for-profit programs and allows us to continually turn over the highest-quality artistic products.

Most artworks are one-offs and completely original in the iconic style of that artist; with the exception of intaglio and relief prints, which the organisation is renowned for. Check out our selection of limited-edition fine art printmaking.

Over 95% of the artists we support are from North Queensland. We work with both independent artists and those represented by commercial dealers and art centres.