ALICK TIPOTI | 'Dhangalaw Kulba Girel' | Linocut print
ALICK TIPOTI | 'Dhangalaw Kulba Girel' | Linocut print
Alick Tipoti, Dhangalaw Kulba Girel, 2016, linocut print on paper, 78x134cm (image size), edition of 25
"Dhanglaw Kulba Girel means ancient dugong ritual performance. It is based on the spiritual acknowledgment of the dugong and the relationship we have as traditional people of the Maluyligal nation. This relationship is unlike any other cultures. The relationship contains three main elements.
1 – the Dhangal is a totem.
2 – the Dhangal is a delicacy.
3 – the Dhangal is medicine.
All three elements are connected to a traditional ritual that is part of an initiation we call Zug Ngurpay. This is part of a ceremony when a young man spears his first dugong. There are many stages within this ceremony.
Within the work, the crescent moon symbolizes that the ritual is performed during a particular moon phase when the village sorcerers can best channel and communicate with the ancestors of the spiritual world. The spiritual ancestors advise the sorcerers, who then advise the maternal uncles of the young man."
Kala Lagaw Ya translation by Alick Tipoti
Dhangalaw Kulba Girel adhimin tidan mabaygaw buway mariw doegamka. Maluyligan gasamdhin kedha wakaynthamam a ngulayg poeybayka. Dhangal a mabayg kaymel. Senub kedha kaymel za matha inub lagalgaw kulba danalgaw pawanu muynu. Il geth thonaral zapul muynu. Kulay, dhangal awgadh. Wagel nuy ay a sizi nidh ayman kikriw adhamayngu za. Ithab mura zapul pilemka ngoelmun zug ngurpay danalgaw mayab. Zug ngurpay kedha za, kayin garkaziw mina kulay ay, gasaman malungu. Buway mura gar woeydhamin, ikay diw pa yoewdhin. Wakay wiyay wagel ukamzinga inab zageth iyab.
Kisay nika kuyk kedha puyilgal matha kubilnu ya thayayk marika a matha kedha wara doegamka, mariw danaka.
Kulay, maril puyilgal wakay wiyan, puyilgal wakay wiyan apuaw babthal. Wadhuwamal wakay wiyan kayin zug ngurpayzi kawkuykul.
Please note: due to the size of this work, editions are printed on demand. Edition limited to 12 prints. Please allow time for printing, signing by the artist and dispatch to your destination.