PAULA PAUL | 'Flat Reef' | Synthetic Polymer on Linen
PAULA PAUL | 'Flat Reef' | Synthetic Polymer on Linen
PAULA PAUL | 'Flat Reef' | Synthetic Polymer on Linen | 2008
121 X 91 CM
About the Artist: Paula Paul
"In her own words...
I was born on Bentinck Island [around 1937].... I used to make dolls when I was young, from mud, play with my sisters. We used to play catching one another...
I was moved to Mornington Island to a dormitory...Only when we got holidays did we get to go out camping. After dormitory life, I went with my parents to outside of Cloncurry to work on a sheep station....Two years I worked on that station. Then I came back to Mornington Island and got married and had six children: three boys and three girls.
We started learning painting. I seen my aunty Sally start painting. She makes good paintings. I want to be a good painter too. Along the beach of my country are big white rocks. I paint them and I paint the little white shells that are up on the beach. We call them dingy shells.
I want to be a good painter."